Friday, November 20, 2009


20th of November.....the day my long standing dream came true! Yes I finally watched surgery! I might sound crazy, but my childhood dream was to be an obstetrician and deliver babies!! That never happened! But over the years I've always wanted to see a surgery. My friend Dr Priya Selvaraj made that possible today! I walked into G G hospital wondering if I will be able to watch the surgery or will I faint! With butteflies in my stomach I changed into the gown, wore the mask, the surgery cap, sterlized foot wear and stepped into the OT! The patient was on the table and all I could see was a huge stomach covered with transparent surgical paper and ready to be cut open! She made the first incision and blood gushed out! and then multiple incisions were made and finally when she cut open the placenta, tonnes of fluid and blood gushed out which was removed with a suction. And then came the big moment when she put her hand in and pulled out the baby. It came out and along with it came a long umblical cord! She quickly cut it and handed over the baby to the paediatrician. Then she removed the placenta- a huge lump of gooey stuff! The whole process took 5 minutes!! Then started the tedious job of suturing! She sutured layer by layer and it took over 15 minutes and the patient was cleaned up and wheeled out on a stretcher! The baby is given to the paediatrician who cleans up, gives it some oxygen, and checks the baby thoroughly. I saw tubes being put into the nostrils,mouth and rectum! Poor baby was bawling! I managed to watch 4 surgeries in a row and all the babies were girls!! I am proud of myself for not fainting, puking or reacting adversely to the scenario. I truly enjoyed it! Thanks Doc for making my dream come true!